I have to digress from movies today and rant.
If I hear Bendita say "Wowa" one more time, I'm going to cut someone.
That there is an artist's interpretation (me, obviously) of Bendita from ABS-CBN's Agua Bendita.
Actually, all things considered I would say ABS-CBN has the characterization of a gremlin child down pat. Not only is she annoying but, it seems that she has NOTHING to recommend her at all. She is primed for primetime villainy. I expect she will fake die in a flame later on.
And what in the world's wrong with her parents? They let their kid act like Cruella deVille because she's guilt-tripping them, it seems.Hello parents, this is a spine. You're usually born with a set. Use it. And maybe you should give Agua some too.
Oh but really, it's the wowa thing that really gets my goat. It is an execrable pet name for one's grandmother that can never, never be cute. Especially not when it's said as shrilly as Bendita recites it.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world there are children who are more delightful to pay attention to. I like witty kids. Actual witty mini humans are funny to observe. Give this kid a television show.